„Songs in
Europe“ is a project in the EU Lifelong learning program GRUNDTVIG..
5 partners
are involved, they are from Great Britain, Spain, Turkey, Slovakia and Germany.Project groups of these countries make a research of the best know song in Europe.
First they look in their home countries for good know songs in the field of choir music, folk music and rock and pop and write lists of them. Next a comparison via videoconference will be done. As a result the best know songs in Europe have their coming outs.
The participants meet 5 times during the project directly, to sing together, dance and discuss. Each partner organizes action days where participants meet. Each country has its own topic. GB, has the main point of course on rock and pop music, we are in the homeland of the Beatles, Spain and Turkey have singing and dancing as a focus, Slovakia focus folk songs and dances and Germany looks to famous composers of their homeland region.
But it is not only the songs what the participants share. The project will be a start for them to exercise new communication forms, like video call and blog. The meetings will increase the tolerance and knowledge about foreigner and their culture. Songs and dances are deep anchor in our cultures. Everybody is possible to sing and dance, if young or old, people can do it. The project look how close the European citizen are and build a new understanding for an European citizenship.